International conference against violent extremism

14/09/2016 00:00

“There are coordination gaps, and security cannot be guaranteed only
through cooperation”, declared the US and Eu ambassadors, Donald Lu and
Romana Vlahutin, during a discussion on violent extremism. In this
meeting there were high-level officials, religious community leaders and
security experts.

Deputy Prime Minister Peleshi said that Albania has a weapon to fight extremism and terrorism:

“In some schools we will start the implementation of a pilot project for religious co-existence, in order to prepare our youth against extremism. The biggest challenge is to compete the dark extremist offer with our new offer of professional education. The narrative for our youth is the strongest weapon against terror. We need to offer young students our narrative for the future”, Peleshi said.

The US Ambassador, Donald Lu, underlined that cooperation is needed to avoid terror attacks like those that shocked Europe in the last months.

“ISIS does not exist only in Syria and Iraq. It is not just an army, an ideology. For this reason, it is a serious threat for Europe and even further. We don’t know how will these threats get real, as we saw during this year in France, Belgium and Germany. We know that we trust that if we work together, we will be able to face these threats”, the US Chief Diplomat declared.

“New security challenges require an all-inclusive answer, that treats the problem from several sides. The war against these groups requires cooperation between security services throughout the globe. The recent attacks in Europe show there is a lack of coordination and a gap in the exchange of information. To fight terror groups we must understand first why they are attractive for some people”, declared the EU Ambassador to Tirana, Romana Vlahutin.

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