The international community asked for more cooperation between political
parties for the judiciary reform, as the only way for this product to
be impartial, independent and accepted by everyone.
“This is something very ambitious that cannot be reached with confrontations. Both sides have the EU as their main objective for the country. You should leave close party interests and cooperate like in this process”, declared Jean-Eric Paquet, Director for Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and Kosovo at the General Directory for Enlargement of the European Commission.
“We all play on the same team, but this is not a sports race. The judiciary reform is not a forum of rivalry. Everyone brings a unique perspective and contribution”, declared Florian Rauning, head of the OSCE presence in Albania.
The US Deputy Ambassador, Henry Jardine, underlined corruption in the judiciary system and asked punishment for any individual who violates the law.
“Many people of the judiciary system in Albania, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and citizens, believe that the current system is not following the pace of the country’s needs. However, we must be careful to not include in the same group people who really work in this system. There are good and honest judges out there, but those who are dishonest and corrupted must be exposed and punished for their corrupted behavior. Some need even go to prison”, Jardine declared.
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