Interior Ministry presented Police Vetting to Ambassadors and other foreign representatives

10/01/2018 19:32

The Interior Ministry held a meeting with Ambassadors and foreign representatives in our country.

The Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj, declared that the legal initiative which will be sent to parliament within a few weeks aims to build strong institutions with professional employees.

“This is a difficult, but necessary reform, which is indispensable in the current conditions, when we see that police ranks, same as they have plenty of honest and professional men and women, have many others who have problems with integrity”, Xhafaj said.

After being updated with the details of the Vetting Process, the German Ambassador Susanne Schutz expressed their support for the work done so far and their hope for quick results.

Steve Bennett, Director of ICITAP, complimented the process and the involvement of other institutions in the plan. He added that this way will be fruitful for responding to important matters, especially as regards communication.

The Croatian Ambassador said that the concrete measures showed that there is real implementation of the reform, an excellent example even for other countries.

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