Interior minister responds to MP Maliqi accusations: Pity that the police have lost one like you, we have best level of security in decades

15/10/2020 15:20

MP Lefter Maliqi, former high official of the state police, has summoned today in interpellation in the parliament the Minister of Interior, Sander Lleshaj, asking him to speak about the flourishing of organized crime in the country, about abusive personal expenses and the cannabis cultivation, which according to him, are the cause of many recent murders.

Interior Minister Sander Lleshaj denied Maliqi’s allegations, adding that the level of crackdown and detection of criminal events has increased significantly.

Maliqi: Today I will speak more as a former police expert and not as a politician. I offer my condolences to those who have lost family members, due to the inability of the police to prevent crime. What can you tell us Minister about flourishing of crime in Albania? What can you tell us about the recent drug killings in Malesia e Madhe? What can you tell us about drug cultivation in the country? Maybe tomorrow we will also find cannabis plants on the terraces of the ministries.

Lleshaj: I was glad that Maliqi introduced himself as an expert, not as a politician, and I express my regret that this expert is not anumore with the police. Albania does not experience a serious crime situation today, but it has the best situation today, period! Albania counts 1.7 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants, while the EU has an average of 1.2. Maintaining these trends is our biggest challenge. Security has another dimension, it is also defined as the absence of fear. Citizens are safe when they are not afraid. 75% of Albanian citizens today think that they live safely, even when traveling at night. Crime has been fought hard in all its dimensions, capacities in the fight against crime have been increased, specialized units, and as a result we have achieved these encouraging results.

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