The first order signed for this term by Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj was vetting within the police ranks.
All staff, from highest leaders to most common specialists will go under this process, which includes members of the State Police, National Guard and Service Internal Matters and Complaints.
Xhafaj’s order foresees establishing a work-group led by the Deputy Interior Minister, assisted by EU and USA missions, PAMECA and ICITAP resectively, and also by renowned international experts.
The active participation of international partners guarantees a professional, transparent and trusted process.
One of the main duties of this group will be analyzing the current situation of the services that will undergo vetting, and propose legal amends.
The work-group will have the report ready by the end of the year, together with their legal proposals.
This process is one of the priority works for the Ministry of Interior, which aims to increase citizens’ trust on government institutions.
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