After losing one year, the Sixth Committee of the Stabilization
Association between Albania and the European Parliament will be held in
Tirana on October 28th and 29th, as provided by article 122 of the
Stabilization Association Agreement.
This meeting was first planned for October 2012, but was postponed to December and then canceled by the Albanian Parliament.
The meeting of Spring was not held again, because it was close to the elections and couldn’t have the necessary attention of the Parliament Members who were involved in the electoral campaign.
The Chairman of the Delegation for Balkan at the European Parliament, Eduard Kukan, declared for Top Channel: “There is a high interest among the European Parliament Members. This time there will be 11 Parliament Members, what a change compared to former occasions! We are looking forward to speak with our colleagues for the current situation. We would like to be clarified about some concerning news that we received during the preparatory gathering for the inter-parliamentary meeting, for a boycott of the opposition in some commissions. We hope that these are unconformed developments , because we all think that there is good political will to see Albania move faster towards the European Union. In this sense, we will all use this chance to have an open and sincere dialogue with our colleagues. As you know, we have lost to former inter-parliamentary meetings and we have to increase dialogue, so that we can catch up with what we lost. The general views about Albania are positive in the European Parliament, but we want to make sure that we are not dealing only with signals, but that this is the new and stable political atmosphere in the country”.
One year ago, the agenda for the confrontation of the sixth inter-parliamentary meeting had planned to discuss the political dialogue, the Parliament developments, the economic situation, fight against corruption, organized crime and media freedom.
Prepared by: Arta TOZAJ, Brussels
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