Lulzim Basha made his first formal meeting at the Democratic Party
office with the European Union ambassador to Tirana, Ettore Sequi.
This was an important meeting for the message given by Brussels and the new opposition about Albania’s European Union integration and the candidate status.
“For making progress in the European Union path, it is important to keep two main elements in mind: a strong, modern and European government, and a strong, modern and European opposition. Not only in Tirana, but also in Brussels, we have expressed the importance of completing a normal electoral election and the normal transfer of power. This is very important, so that we can progress in the path towards Europe. Also, this is very important even for the candidate status. As we have said, the status can be achieved within December, something that was confirmed yesterday by the Lithuanina presence. What is important, so that this can be achieved, is to have a common and coordinated effort of the political factors. The European Union is ready to help so that the reforms can progress”, Sequi declared.
“I guaranteed ambassador Sequi that this is the stance that we will keep in Parliament, so that the path to the European status can be quick, by continuing building on the positive heritage that we have”, Basha added.
During the meeting with the European Union Ambassador, Basha expressed the views of the Democratic Party that the opposition’s priority is the transparency of these elections, in which, according to Basha, they have noticed the intervention of the criminal element which is part of the new Parliament, according to him.
“It is indispensable ti gave transparency, and every effort for stopping this transparency is condemnable and would show that the usage of the criminal elements was organized and those who are responsive should face the law. The Democratic Party is decided to make transparency as foreseen by the code. An electoral crime has been consumed, and a “corpus delict” is on the table. We have also decided to not allow that the inclusion of the criminal element in the Parliament turns into a rule, because that would turn Albania years back”, Basha declared.
Mr.Basha informed the Ambassador about the opposition’s concern and what the Democratic Party considers a revengeful spirit of the new majority against the institutions, and for establishing a national commission for protecting the public administration, a structure that the opposition will establish near the Democratic Party branches for protecting the public administration from what Mr.Basha considers “political dismissals”,
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