The Parliamentary Commission of European Integration postponed for
another time the discussion and approval of the National Council for
European Integration, to give more time to the opposition.
The vice chairman of this Commission, Taulant Balla, underlined that the governing majority is determined to hold an all inclusive process as regards integration, in which the opposition has an important role.
“We will not review the National Council for European Integartion without the opposition. It would be useless without them, because the purpose of this council is to give parties, in majority and opposition, an important advisory and instructive role for the integration process”, Balla declared.
Arta Dade, member of this Commission and also Chairwoman of the Foreign Policy Commission, demanded the letter sent by Majlinda Bregu, as an answer to their invitation for leading the Council. Dade underlined that the Parliamentary Commission for the Foreign Policy has an important role in the integration process, that’s why they said “yes” to the invitation for leading the council together.
MP Majlinda Bregu, chairwoman of the Parliamentary Commission of Integration, answered with this declaration from the Democratic Party headquarters:
“I hope that this retreat of the majority is done by understanding their mistake in their proposal for the National Council, and this should be like this by the end, because we have asked nothing more than leaving space to the opposition for leading an organization in a format that has proven successful in other countries that today are EU members. I hope that this is a reflection to reach to an agreement for the format that I sent to the Minister of Integration, in which we demand that the National Council of Integration should be led by the opposition, to show that the government is ready to be controlled in this process, by leaving the opposition to lead this Council, rather than having the government waiting control from their majority”, Bregu declared.
The National Council of Integration came as a suggestion from the high-rank dialogue between Albania and the EU.
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