Insurance Institution Director: “Trials against former military will be suspended”

07/11/2016 00:00

The Institution of Health Insurance will suspend every trial case
through which retired military demand to receive back the payment taken
away from supplementary pension calculations from 2009 and on.

The law that recently passed in Parliament gave a solution to this small problem for the former military, which had caused delayed trials and financial issues.

“The law has been implemented by the Health Insurance, but due to an administrative process, a debt has been created. The Parliament decided to pardon this debt to the former military and return them what they have paid from that debt. Open trial cases will also be suspended”, declared Astrit Hodo, director of the Health Insurance.

Until next March, 5500 military will be compensated. The financial cost of this law mounts up to 1 billion ALL.

The Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Blendi Klosi, together with the Minister of Defense, Mimi Kodheli, held a meeting with former military members to talk about this issue.

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