The increased number of births in this period of the year has put the
two maternity hospitals of Tirana in great difficulties, who are also
obliged to treat mothers who come from other districts. 30 children have
come to life in the Queen Geraldina maternity in 24 hours.
The Heah of the Obstetrist Service, Aferdita Manaj, asked for improvement of the infrastructure, since the hospital is unable to deal with the flux. Mothers are out of hospitals much earlier than needed, in order to make room for others. But doctors say that a new mother can have complications within the first 24 hours.
“The number of births has increased recently, especially during summer, and it could mount up to 30 births in 24 hours. The Queen Geraldina hospital cannot work with this flux. We have been able to manage it by letting young mothers go earlier, and those with problems can stay three days or more. Women who give birth to their children without problems can stay only 24 hours, because the hospita’s capacity has halved”, doctors say.
Manaj explains that the figures of infant mortality has increased, since pregnant women in other districts are not treated as they should but they are brought to Tirana in worse conditions. On the other hand, the lack of rooms has made the doctors’ work even more difficult.
The head of the hospital says that they need more beds, not less, as they have recently seen in a project that plans to reduce the number of rooms in order to open a toy shop for children in the first floor.
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