The Albanian Institution of Statistics published the poverty figures for
2012, according to which the level of poor families in Albania has
increased with 12.4% in 2008, and with 14.3% in 2012.
The poll considers as poor that part of the population that consumes less than 4891 per capita with the prices of 2002.
With “extremely poor” it considers the part of population who have difficulties in fulfilling the basic food needs, which has increased with from 1.2% in 2008 to 2.2% for urban areas, and 2.3% for rural areas in 2012.
“Compared to 2008, when poverty was 12.4, in 2012 it has gone to 14.3%. We have a growth of the number of Albanian families falling under the poverty line. 30.000 have been added to this list in the past five years”, declared Ines Nurja, Director of Institution of Statistics.
According to the Institution of Statistics, the poverty trend has fluctuated from 25.4% in 2002 to 18.5% in 2005 and 12.4% in 2008.
The poll gives for the first time the data in a district level, with the Kukes District coming first with 21.8% of the population, followed by Fier and Lezha, while the prefectures with the lowest figures are those of Vlore, Korce and Berat”, Nurja declared.
The study reaches the conclusion that the poverty increase was higher in the urban areas.
The poverty level in rural areas has increased from 14.6% in 2008, to 15.3% in 2012, while urban poverty has increased from 10.1% in 2008 to 13.6% in 2012.
According to INSAT, this could be a consequence of the population movement from rural areas to urban cities.
INSTAT says that poverty has increased also due to the increase of the consumption percentage for food and basic needs, and due to the drop in non-food products consumption, education and long-term appliances, which is an indicator of poverty.
INSTAT identifies the financial global crisis as one of the elements that has slowed down the economic growth, especially in urban areas.
“The global crisis has involved the neighboring countries, such as Italy and Greece, where the number of Albanian immigrants is bigger”, the report says.
This has reduced the remittances that for years have cushioned the poverty level in our country.
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