INSTAT: “Lower consumption, possible deflation?

10/03/2016 00:00

While the Eurozone is in deflation, Albania is facing the same risk. The
Institution of Statistics reported that inflation in February went to
the point of 0.2%, which is the lowest rate in the past 13 years.

The biggest effect was given by the lower price of fuels, but there have also been lower prices for clothes, health care and communication. Prices for goods like food, education, alcoholics and tobacco have increased, but they were not enough to take the inflation to the objective of the Bank of Albania, at 3%.

The low inflation is also dictated by the weak progress of consumption. INSTAT says that after two trimesters on the plunge, consumption returned positive in the third trimester of 2015, but the growth remains weak compared to the average of past years.

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