Increased measures for cybernetic security

05/11/2016 00:00

The Minister of Innovation, Milena Harito, says that people today would
rather stay many hours without tap water than many hours without
internet or cell phone coverage.

Technological advances have made it easier for citizens, but it also exposes our society to cybernetic attacks which may have severe consequences.

To defend the digital networks that defend vital services, the government is discussing a special law for cybernetic security.

“All operators, public or private, will have to double the security systems, all of which will be inspected”, Harito said.

In case of attacks against banks, the treasury, air transport system or other critical services, the law provides that an emergency situation must be launched.

In 2008, Georgia faced a cybernetic attack that interrupted almost every public service, bringing the country to total chaos. The event concerned governments around the world, which are taking stronger security measures.

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