Incident with police officers

30/09/2013 00:00

Three members of the Meta family have been facing house arrest for the
last year, and are still waiting for the verdict of justice. Five
members of the family have been charged by the police for using violence
against the officers.

But the Mata family insist and claim that they have suffered police brutality. The 54-year-old Taip Mata says that none of the institutions, besides the Ombudsman, have ever stopped to hear their story.

The head of this family that the story started one year ago, when their son, Clirim Mata, had a jealousy conflict with a police officer. For this reason they claim that their son has been attacked in front of the house by two police officers, and that’s why husband and wife have immediately intervened.

“I couldn’t stop myself when I saw them beating my son. I took a shovel and hit the vehicle of the police. Thank god I didn’t hit the officer who was close to me”, says the wife.

“We have been attacked. All the neighbors saw us. We appeal the state, the government, the prosecution, the court and the Prime Minister to help us with our problem. Our sons and I have a medical report which shows that we have been beaten, and we have photos”, claims the father of the family.

“They searched my body and they found nothing. It’s even on the letter that I was unarmed, but to the court it appeared that I had a weapon”, declared Clirim Mata.

The police have reported their action as an order to find illegal weapons, but the father o the family appeals the state to review the file, because it has severe violations.

For these reasons, the accused family has appealed to the Ombudsman for help, who recommended the Prosecution to start investigating the police for arbitrary actions against the Mata family. But the Prosecution has suspended the case, arguing that the police were beaten by the Mata family while they were on duty.

The police say that they searched the home because during an operation for blocking illegal motorcycles, the young man has fled the roadblock.

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