Import of machineries increased with 9 billion ALL comapred to one year ago

03/09/2016 00:00

The Institution of Statistics announced that the import of machineries
for the seventh month of this year has increased compared to the same
period of one year ago, reaching 72.3 billion ALL, 9 billion more than
the same period of one year ago, which shows a very positive tendency.

Italy, Germany and China were the main partners with the highest levels of import in this category.

19 billion ALL were imported from Italy for this machiniery, such as equipments and spare parts. 12.7 billion ALL from Germany, 11.2 billion from China.

The tendency has been positive also for loans. The Bank Association says that the average interest rate for new loans in ALL has dropped to 7.51% from 8.19% that it was in 2015. Interests ior lopans in EUR have dropped to 5.52%, from 6.14% that they were in the second trimester of the past year.

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