Annual gambling in Kosovo reaches 100 million EUR and serves to clean the dirty money of organized crime.
This was declared today in a press release for the Self-Determination Movement. Representatives of this movement say that the illegal favoring of gambling by politics was made in exchange of funds.
“The law needs to change. Gambling attracts poor citizens to spend their last money. They give a fake hope to citizens, for a quick individual change. They put the poor people in vicious circles, with the hope that they will win something. This makes politicians rich and impoverishes citizens, guaranteeing an injust government”, declared Parliament Member Liburn Aliu.
Ylli Hoxha, director of the anti-corruption Committee at the Self-Determination Movement says that if the ATK will not change this problem within 30 days, they will file a lawsuit.
“We think that from this Monday, ATK needs to start removing licenses of all illegal gambling operators, which are most of those that operate today in Kosovo. The operation will end within 30 days. If ATK will not change the law, we will file a lawsuit against this institution”, Hoxha declared.
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