Illegal construction permits cancelled

27/08/2014 00:00

The National Agency of Territory Planning will cancel the construction
permits given by Heads of Communes and of Municipalities by going
against the law.

The Director of this agency, Adelina Greca, says that the local directors have often lied to the citizens, that’s why they demand their understanding for not starting a construction whtn the permit is not within the rules and the law. Some of them, according to Greca, will be made public.

“Many heads of communes and municipalities have signed documents that are not based on the law. Citizens and investors have been lied to that it is a permit, when it is simply a paper with a signature. We will report some of these violations from the local government”, Greca declared.

The recent meeting of the National Territory Council took the decision to harmonize the territory planning instruments for the new territorial-administrative division.

“The local government leaders have created irreparable damage to the environment by giving permits close to culture monuments or that damage coastline and agricultural lands, by damaging the economy of our country. The traffic code and the regulation for implementing it has not been taken in consideration”, Greca declared.

This decision has been followed by definitions about issues that have a national importance in planning, such as protecting interurban roads from construction in their entrances and exits.

DP: Double standards for illegal constructions
“On one hand they declare war to them, on the other they destroy”

The opposition accused the government of using double standards regarding the illegal constructions.

“We are here to show the lie of Edi Rama. Heavy machineries are destroying one of the Tirana hills, now turned into a construction site. This is not considered a massacre by Edi Rama, because it is being built by Rama’s closest person, rjon Veliaj. Why this massacre is not being prosecuted? Because it is being done by his man. This is a scandal that takes place in Tirana, and shows the selective and corruptive politics of Edi Rama”, Ristani declared.

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