Ilir Konomi, Between America and Albania

03/05/2014 00:00

The journalist and writer, Ilir Ikonomi, author of “Faik Konica –
Washington Life” and “Independence, the unforgettable journey of Ismail
Qemali”, was invited in Top Channel’s evening news show “Revista
Televizive e Mbremjes”, hosted by Pandi Gjata, in which he spoke about
his recent book, “Invasion”, and other projects.

Pandi Gjata: “Recently you have been traveled a lot between America and Albania. How does it look?

Ilir Ikonomi: It’s wonderful that now I have the chance to come here for researches on the books I am writing, because it gives me emotions to come and see the places where everything has happened, and it encourages me to write. The second reason is that I introduce my books between friends and colleagues. Tomorrow I have the promotion of a new book, “Invasion”.

Pandi Gjata: What is the life between a journalist, history and book writing?

Ilir Ikonomi: Journalists should practice it more often. I see no real barriers between journalists and historians. Journalists can do what historians do, but from another view. I think that the readers are satisfied by what I have written.

Pandi gjata: The two first books are “Faik Konica – Life in Washington” and “Independence – Unforgettable journey of Ismail Qemali”. What will “Invasion” bring for the readers?

Ilir Ikonomi: “Invasion” brings the view of an American for the occupation of Albania by fascist Italy on April 7th 1939. We have seen different views on this, documentaries and articles from Itlay and from our writers, but it is the first time that we see the view o an America, who is the Head of the Diplomatic Mission in Tirana, and he was here when the invasion took place. He has described this in two different reports for the Department of State. I have found these documents in the American archive, in 2010. This is the 75th anniversary of Albania’s invasion by Italy and I thought that it was an appropriate year to bring these facts.

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