Husband and wife from the city settle in the old village to engage in agriculture and animal farming

08/04/2023 21:01

Spouses from the city, Majlinda and Pëllumb Nelaj, have moved to the village since 8 years.

In Mazhar of Selenica in the south of Albania, they engage in agriculture and animal husbandry. The Nelaj couple hopes that by working the lands of their ancestors, their children will not take the path of emigration like many young Albanians.

“Yes, life is more difficult here, very.

“Where do we go, we can’t go to Germany, because we have children and a house, if we leave the house others will come and destroy it”, says the man.

“We want the state to help us in this work, as much as possible”, said Pëllumb Nelaj of his agricultural enterprise.

Even though they have been hit by a fire which burned their cattle, cows and beehives, they have still been able to restart work with cows and small farm animals.

“It burned six of my cows, a tiller, a grass harvester, animals.

I was left with nothing. The terrain is difficult, there is suffering here. We get up at four in the morning to provide them, I take the milk and send it to the city of Vlora”, he adds.

“We started from A with everything, there is no water here either.

We have opened two wells to supplying animals with water. Then the road is bad, everything comes with a lot of sacrifice. We continued our work to feed the children”, says the wife Majlinda Nelaj.

The head of the administrative unit Arqile Resuli, who accompanied the journalists team to this remote area, says that these people are heroes who return to their homeland.

“I would call these people heroes, as they not only preserve the tradition and return to their acient lands, but we don’t find people like these anymore.

They must be helped out”, said Arqile Resuli, head of the Kote administrative unit.

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