The Albanian government has canceled the first concessions given during the political transition period.
Top Channel has learned that the Minister of Energy, Damian Gjiknuri, has decided to cancel the concession procedures for 6 big hydropower plants given by the government of the Democratic Party during their last days in power, from August 22nd to September 9th.
Gjiknuri has canceled the concession in Blac, opened on August 22nd, the ones in Kacinar and Lusen, and the concession of Gafer, given on August 26th. The list goes on with the HPPs of Dushaj, Katund in Vjetwr, Reja e Veles and Arsti.
The order has been confirmed also on the last bulletin of the Public Procurement Agency. The concessions were declared by the former government, who had also decided the bonuses for some of the private companies. But the new Minister of Energy, Damian Gjiknuri, decided to cancel them arguing that they need to verify how the law was implemented during the documentation and the qualifying conditions for the offering economic operators.
On the last weeks on duty, after losing the elections and until the power rotation, the former government gave a series of concessions, not only in hydropower plants, but also in other public assets. This wave of last minute privatizations was considered immoral and illegal by the Socialist Party, which declared since then that they would cancel them massively.
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