How will the Prosecution change? New law distributes PG’s power

16/09/2016 00:00

When the new law for the Prosecution will enter in effect, the Prosecutor General will not be anymore the most powerful person of this centralized system.

The new Prosecutor will be the administrator of a system who will not appoint anymore Prosecutors, and will not be the highest authority for criminal prosecution.

His power will pass to Prosecution leaders in districts, who will operate independently.

The opposition sees this as an crossing of Constitutional limits that would divide the Prosecution in several power islands, which will make them less accountable and more fragile from external interventions.

Oerd Bylykbashi from the Democratic Party, said that the law makes the new law will make the situation of the Prosecutor General even worse, taking the gravity to local Prosecution leaders, something that is not allowed by the Constitution.

The opposition boycotted the voting session of this law, which passed only with the votes of the majority. The Socialist MP, Ulsi Manja, says that the SP considers the law finalized.


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