How the energy price could change

14/10/2014 00:00

The government has announced that they will change the energy price,
moving from the current variant with two prices, with a unified price.

But how will this bill change for consumers? It will depend on the new fee that will be decided by the Energy Regulation Entity.

Top Channel has calculated three variants of prices, 8.5 ALL, 9.5 ALL and 10.5 ALL per kilowatt/hour. The calculations include VAT too. Based on these calculations, the monthly balance for families that consume 200 to 600 kilowatts will pay less.

If the new price will be 8.5, the families that consume 200 to 600 will pay less. If the price goes 9.5 All, the families that consume less than the current limi will be forced to pay more, and this includes all families that consume up to 400 KW/h.

If the price goes 10.5, it will increase the burden for all families that consume less than 550 KW/h and makes it easier for those who pay more than this. A family that consumes 300 KW/h will pay 1008 ALL more. For others, the bill will be 72 ALL cheaper.

Official data from the Regulation Entity show that 75.1% of the families consume less than 300 KW\h. The government says they will compensate the families in need.

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