Historic moment for Kosovo, signs MSA with the EU

27/10/2015 12:40

The EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini, Commissioner Johannes
Hahn for the EU, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, and the
Kosovo Minister of EU Integration, Bekim Çollaku, signed the
Stabilization Association Agreement after the EU member countries voted
in favor past week.

The SAA is the first formal instrument of political dialogue between Prishtina and Brussels. Technically, it will be similar to that of the other countries in the region.

This document regulates the trade relations between Kosovo and the EU, bringing more opportunities for Kosovo to export to the EU; to have a more professional administration; to deepen cooperation in many areas; to make more similar standards with the European ones; which as consequence are expected to bring more economic prosperity, more legal security, political stability and a more accountable government for the citizens.

But what makes Kosovo’s SAA different, is that it doesn’t recognize Kosovo as a sovereign state and leaves no element to treat it as such. A text has guaranteed that countries which do not recognize Kosovo, will not be judged for their stances. There are no formal political  promises for Kosovo’s integration in EU, different from the SAA-s with the other countries, even with Albania.

This justifies why the agreement was not signed by the representatives of the member countries, but only by the EU institutions. Different from other SAA-s, it will not be ratified by the national Parliaments of member countries, but it will enter in effect only after the European Parliament gives its consent, as expected during Spring 2016.

Despite the unclear parts, since there are five EU countries that do not recognize Kosovo and the accession decisions need unanimous voting, this is a historic moment for Kosovo.

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