Higher taxes from the municipality of Tirana

01/03/2016 00:00

From January 1st, every business and family in the Albanian capital will
have to pay more local taxes. For business, the tax will be
progressive, starting from 4000 ALL a year for small businesses to 37000
ALL for big businesses and VIP businesses. Families will pay 18000 ALL a

The Municipal Council has also changed the building tax. For productive businesses, this tax will be reduced from 280 ALL per square meter, to 200 ALL per square meter. For small businesses it will not change, but it will grow for bigger businesses from 280 ALL to 440 ALL per square meter.

After the building tax, the cleaning tax will also be higher. Even this time it is bigger for bigger businesses only. From January 1st, big businesses that have more than 8 million ALL of annual turnover will pay twice more.

The fee that attracted more attention is that of the public space. From 120 ALL a month for square meter it will be 1500 ALL per month per square meter. The Municipality says this price aims liberation of public spaces.


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