Higher requirements for banks’ private security firms

21/09/2016 00:00

Although there has been a high number of bank robberies in the past
months, the security level in these institutions is still poor.

“Banks need to cooperate better with Private Security Services, in order to implement seceurity procedures. We have noticed that armored vehicles are not within the standards even for being driven on the road, let alone to transport huge amounts of money or the officers who guard the money”, said Ilir Mollaymeri from the Bank of Albania.

The law for the increased public security measures is expected to pass this Thursday in Parliament, and it establishes strong criteria for bank security.

Gjovalin Loka, Director of the Public Order Department, declared that the passing of this law will take the security of banks to a higher level. “The two recent cases were solved thanks to the camera footage”, he added.

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