Helsinki Committe: “Supreme State Audit does not act for punishing offenders”

21/09/2016 00:00

The Supreme State Audit has reported cases of power abuse, breaching of
equal competition in bidding and falsification of documents, with a
damage mounting up to three billion ALL.

The Albanian Committee of Helsinki has raised this concern after the conclusion of a study made in 2014, which stated that all these reports were suspended by the Prosecution and the SSA has not addressed the court with a request to reopen those cases.

“The SSA has not reported high-level officials in 2014 and has never challenged the decisions of the Prosecution for suspending cases”, said Erida Skendaj, executive Director of the Helsinki Committee in Albania.

For this reason, the Helsinki Committee recommends the Parliament to inspect the impact of these reports that are sent to the Prosecution.

“The same passivity is noticed in other institutions, such as the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets”, Skendaj says.

But the SSA Director, Bujar Leskaj, said for Top Channel that the statement of the Helsinki Committee is unfounded, since their institution has reported the Prosecution’s suspensions to the Prosecution General.

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