Health Minister: Pensions will be sent to homes without charge, new measures to curb the spread of COVID-19

10/03/2020 19:20

Health minister Ogerta Manastirliu, among the new measures to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, has stated that pensions will be delivered to homes without charge.

“Today I have issued orders to further restrict public activities; the closure to the public until April 3rd 2020, of all facilities that provide services, nightclubs, discos or other types of gatherings; closure to the public until April 3rd of indoors premises dedicated to entertaining children or youths, gyms, sports centers, swimming pools, cultural centers, social centers, or entertainment centers”, stated Manastirliu.

“This month and until the end of this situation, all pensioners will receive at home their pension payment free of charge, backed by the finance ministry. The postal service should guarantee the continuity of the service as a measure to limit contacts with people,” the minister said, adding that based on the likely scenarios there will be an increasing number of confirmed cases.

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