Health authorities: If Covid-19 shows up in schools, the classroom will be isolated and if there is an explosion, the whole school

04/09/2020 15:51

Students will return to classrooms on September 14, but the risk of transmitting the coronavirus will increase although teaching will take place while wearing face masks and maintaining distances.

The head of epidemiology at the Institute of Public Health, Eugena Tomini said the reopening of schools could be problematic but the is a protection plan in place.

“There is an added risk. This age group is not aware of hygienic rules and conditions. We have the first grade up to the fifth grade with a recommendation in place for wearing the mask whereas in classes above the fifth grade the mask is mandatory.

“As long as Covid 19 has spread everywhere it can penetrates in schools as well. The epidemic investigation of a classroom, of a particular student, depending on the contacts he has had, decides which persons or children will be in isolation and which will not.

“Meanwhile, it is being discussed whether all teachers will be tested before the start of the school year”, added Tomini.

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