Head of the CEC letter to the Assembly: No vote for immigrants abroad without approving the Electoral Reform

15/01/2024 15:35

At the start of the new parliamentary session, the Albanian deputies will find on their desks a letter from the chairman of the CEC Ilirian Celibashi, who reminded the legislators of the wasted time without approving the changes in the Electoral Reform.

The concern of the Chief Commissioner is related to the non-implementation of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, warning that the vote of the diaspora will not be realized if the Assembly does not change the law.

“According to the CEC’s interpretation of this order of the Constitutional Court, voting from abroad will not be possible if the Assembly of Albania does not fill the gaps in the Electoral Code regarding this. We bring to your attention that the preparation for the first-time development of voting from abroad takes time, which at least cannot be less than one year”, Celibashi emphasizes.

Since the parliamentary elections of 2021, the implementation of electronic voting and counting has started. The ambition of the Central Election Commission is to extend to several districts, but for the expansion of technology, money and time are required, which the institution does not have.

“Based on the experience gained from the use of electronic voting so far, the CEC has recommended the expansion of this voting only in some electoral units (districts) for the upcoming elections for the Assembly of Albania. If you support this recommendation, as well as if there are public funds for the realization of this vote in the respective electoral units, these confirmations must be made to the CEC no later than the end of February 2024”, according to Celibashi.

The Commissioner’s calls seem difficult to be taken into consideration by the Assembly, as the Electoral Reform Commission continues to be in deadlock, and its term expires in February.

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