Head of Commune escapes murder attempt

24/09/2013 00:00

The Head of the Golem commune, Agron Agalliu, escaped a car bomb murder
attempt. The explosive was placed under his vehicle, parked in front of
his house.

Fortunately, the explosive fell on the ground after the vehicle started moving this Tuesday morning. The Head of Commune did not pay attention and kept going to Berat, but the neighbors have called the police.

Authorities rushed on the scene and according to them the explosive was not attached properly, and that’s why it had fallen on the ground. It is still unknown if this was just a warning or the killers really missed him.

Agalliu confirmed on the phone for Top Channel that he did not pay maximal attention to this event, and that he doesn’t think that he needs protection from the police, since he doesn’t have any conflict with anyone. In the elections of 2011, Agron Agalliu won the second mandate for leading the Golem commune, as leader of the Socialist Party.

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