HCJ does not implement Constitutional Court verdict

16/06/2015 00:00

Kudret Kopo, a former inspector of the High Council of justice, weas let
go in 2008. In 2013 he won the right to return to his job even at the
Constitutional Court. But the High Council of Justice, the institution
that inspects the work of judges, has not respected a verdict from the
Constitutional Court.

After insisting with the trial, Kudred has decided to protest in front of the building of the High Council of Justice. He says he has a verdict of the Constitutional Court that needs to be implemented, and nobody can go against that law.

The Spokesperson for the HCJ, after contacted by Top Channel, reacted through a press release. He explains that Kudret Kopo has not been hired back due to a lack of vacancies. But he adds that the HCJ has paid paid Kopo the salaries they owhed him from 2008 to 2012.

The failure to implement the court verdicts for those who want to return to their jobs is a frequent problem, because the winning party is always forced to open additional processes. Statistics show that 2014 citizens have addressed the Administrative Court of Appel with cases against the government institutions. In 2015, 1460 have filed their requests for trial.

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