Harsher laws against cell-phone-using drivers, but headsets are allowed

17/10/2016 00:00

If you need to be on the phone while driving, you can use headphones.
Top Channel inquired about the new law for suspending license to drivers
caught using a phone, and police authorities confirmed that drivers
using head phones will not be fined.

Article 171 of the Road Code specifies that communication devices not requiring usage of hands are allowed. This article is also expected to change with the fine to increase ten fold.

The Ministry of Interior has notified citizens that headphones and loudspeaker are the only ways to use their phone.

Meanwhile, the number of citizens caught attempting to bribe police officers has increased. Vice Chief of Police, Rebani Jaupi, appealed drivers to not find the shortest way and bribe officers. “Citizens who are caught will also be punished by the criminal code in this case, so they must be cautious”, Jaupi declared.

Everyone arrested for this crime is charged with “active corruption against public officials”. The Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, asked for harsher measures against bribe offerers.

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