Haradinaj: Here’s my offer to Thaci

05/12/2012 18:50

The AAK leader, Ramush Haradinaj, declared in an interview for VOA that
the reason why he is approaching to Prime Minister Thaci is because he
wants to take the responsibilities of governing the country.

During the interview Haradinaj showed the offer he made to Thaci:

“The idea is for Thaci to resign. We haven’t discussed it, but it could happen in the days to come. We have only this offer”, Haradinaj declared.

Haradinaj underlined that this is the only way to preserve the stability of the country.

As regards the relation with Prime Minister Thaci, the AAK leader expressed his gratitude for the welcome when he returned from the Court of Hague.

“For every decision there is more than one motive. I am honoured with the welcome. I thanked the Prime Minister and the other parties. But every good development insinuates the opening of other paths for positive progress”, Haradinaj declared.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo was in favour of the Kosovo-Serbia discussions, since their goal was to improve the citizens’ life. He also commented about the initiative of Tirana and Prishtina to investigate the Hague Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte.

“I haven’t initiated any process against Del Ponte, due to my agenda. In this case we are dealing with principles of international law, and law amends are a good thing for everyone. Based on the international law, I support this investigation”, Haradinaj added.

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