The candidate of the opposition for Tirana, Halim Kosova, presented his
program that was based in two main lines: building a city that serves to
citizens and having a municipality far from political conflicts, by
choosing a manager like Halim Kosova rather than a politician like his
rival, Erion Veliaj.
“Tirana has progressed in these past four years, but despite the changes, there is still a lot to do and I cannot wait to start working. I am not running for a political career, but for being the Mayor of Tirana, so that I can reduce taxes for families and businesses, improve the city’s hygiene, the education system conditions, sidewalks and roads, and take care of the categories in need. The key to do this is using wisely and with transparency all the money secured through taxes. This city needs a manager more than a politicians. You have seen how they give construction permits to reinforce party positions. I have been a manager for many years, maybe more than anyone else. World’s experience and also mine has shown that a manager is a born talent and cannot be made as such by order, especially when the order comes from the party. That’s why I dare asking the vote of not only the democratic party voters, but also the vote of impartial citizens of Tirana, of the young men voting for the first time, and also the vote of Socialists. You can change the future of your city, the freedom the dignity of your children, nephews and nieces”, Kosova declared.
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