Greek Foreign Minister: “Himara owners were compensated”

01/11/2017 14:24

It seems that Athens’ silence regarding the recent demolitions in Himara was product of negotiations between Albanian and Greek authorities.

The Foreign Minister of Greece, Nikos Kotzias, declared that Athens didn’t react because they were promised that the gas station owner will receive land and license to operate somewhere else.

This promise was given by the Albanian Minister of Energy, after consulting with his political chiefs in Tirana. Kotzias said that Athens expects this promise to be respected.

As for the other buildings, Kotzias left to be understood that they are completely without owners and without permits. As such, no one can defend buildings that have no owners, when builders cannot obtain ownership titles.

For the first time Kotzias admitted that the urban plan of another country cannot be stopped, but Athens had the duty to protect the owners who had property titles.

As for the conditions that Albania must fulfill before opening the accession negotiations, Kotzias declared that Greece added four other conditions to the single one that was imposed by the Commission, and they are determined to follow them.

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