Greek Foreign Minister: “Cham case will not be discussed. Hahn made a mistake”

05/10/2016 00:00

The Greek Foreign Minister, Niko Kotzias, denied that Tirana and Athens
had included the Cham case in the matters they needed to discuss.

“The only reference in the document we sent to the Albanians is that the Cham case is not a negotiation topic for Greece”, Kotzias said in an interview for “Alpha 989”, a radio station.

He admitted that a “non paper” document had been drafted five months ago and was sent to the Albanian Foreign Ministry, proposing to discuss unresolved matters of the past 50 years between the two countries.

“The Albanian side made a counterproposition that also included the Cham case. We replied that this case is not a topic of debate, it is out of the negotiations”, Kotzias declared, adding that Europeans have been informed for this.

“We didn’t ask Europeans to intermediate, because we are negotiating with Albanians and Albanians are negotiating with us”, he added.

As for the answer of Commissioner Hahn, the Greek Foreign Minister said that the EU official made a careless declaration, for which he apologized, although it left its marks.

Kotzias criticized some forces in Greece, which, he said, either pretend they don’t know or they are lying publicly about this case, and criticized the extreme neoliberal media outlets which, according to him, are intentionally saying that Greece is discussing the Cham case.

“These people are crazy”, Kotzias concluded.

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