Greece to start giving minority pensions again

06/03/2015 00:00

The Greek government declared that they will start giving pensions to
the Greek Minority members from Albania and former Soviet nations aged
67 and above, after the Samaras-Venizelos harsh policies interrupted
their payments on February 2013.

The declaration was given by the Alternate Insurance Minister, Dimitris Stratoulis, as part of the government draft project for facing the humanitarian crisis.

He says that the Tsipras government will pass a bill that will return the 360 EUR pension to uninsured members of minorities aged 67 and above.

There are 17.000 members from Albania and 14.000 in other former Soviet countries. Stratulis says that the pension will be full, not reduced.

The news was welcomed by the minority members, for whom these pensions are vital.

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