Greece ratifies sea oil research near Albania

02/03/2018 21:32

The Greek Parliament ratified four agreements with three private companies, granting them the right to explore and exploit fuels on the Joni 2 block, and in the land areas of Arta, Preveza, Etoloanakarnanisa and Northwestern Peloponnese.

The “Joni 2” block is an area northwest of Corfu, for which the Greek government had signed an agreement with the consortiums “Total”, “Edison” and “Hellenic Petroleum”.

The agreement was ratified by all parliamentary parties, except for the Greek Communist party. The Golden Dawn and Center Union have abstained.

The Ministry of Energy, Jorgos Stathakis, declared that with this ratification act Greece is opening a new page in the chapter of fuel exploitation. It is also taking a big step, equal to other countries of the region, such as Cyprus, Israel and Egypt, which have progressed in this area, turning the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea into a fuel producing area.

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