Greece about to recognize Kosovo. Greek Foreign Minister in Prishtina

14/07/2015 00:00

The Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs declared in Prishtina that Athens
is looking for the right space and time to officialize the recognition
of Kosovo’s independence.

After meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, Kotzias said that he has invited his counterpart in Athens to open the Kosovo Office.

He even said that if they will be in need of premises, he will allow space at his Foreign Ministry office.

“We are supporting Kosovo so that it can become member of INTERPOL, UNESCO, and we will support it with all means. We are also giving support to create political relations between the EU and Kosovo. We offer our expertise and capacities to Kosovo whenever is needed, since we are the oldest EU member in the region. We are open. As for the recognition, we must keep in mind two criteria: the needs of the entire region and our European and national interest. We will see in the future what applications we will find for these criteria”, declared Kotzias Nikolaos, the Foreign Minister of Greece.

He added that the Balkan people should turn their eyes to the future, because this region is producing more history it can consume.

The Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, sid that the first visit of a Greek diplomat is a conformation of the reinforced cooperation between the two countries. He said that soon he will visit Greece.

Thaci said that Balkan countries, despite the dark past, are now racing to reach the standards and become EU or NATO members.

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