The Parliament voted today the discharging of the Bank Governor, Ardian
Fullani, with 72 votes in favor from 78 MPs that were present during the
One of those who were present in this secret voting was Prime Minister Edi Rama. At least five MPs from the majority voted against this decision.
Representatives from the majority say there could have been any mistake in the voting procedure. But we should also take in consideration that the secret voting must have given more freedom to MPs for expressing their opinion on this matter.
Some of them voted in favor of Fullani’s appointment in 2011. The Socialist Movement for Integration, as part of the majority; Ben Blushi and Arben Malaj, from the then socialist opposition. Arben Malaj is not an MP anymore, but Eduard Shalsi had abstained in 2011. However, he explained right after that it was a mistake.
This voting removes Ardian Fullani from the leadership of the Bank and also from the Supervisory Council. The relation of the Commission of Economy explains that the causes remain the same, the power abuse and damage of Bank’s interests.
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