Government’s dilemma with “Bankers”, Arbitration option is open

20/09/2016 00:00

Official sources from the Ministry of Energy say that this institution,
together with the State Advocacy and the National Agency of Natural
Resources are scrutinizing the regarding documents and will come up with
a final decision if they will go for the Court of Arbitration against

Sources say that Albania has still enough time to take the case to the arbitration, but it may also be postponed with one month.

The government entered in conflict with “Bankers” in 2012, when the National Agency of Natural Resources declared that Bankers had 299 million USD of unjustified spending, hiding this way 57 million USD of taxes.

The Tax Authority blocked the accounts of the government and collected the obligation, but Bankers threatened with arbitration. However, both parties agreed to hire an independent expert to rgive an answer.

Two weeks ago, the expert panels of Price Water House and Coopers and Navigant decided in favor of the Canadian company, which would force the government to return 37 million USD and withdraw from requesting 20 million others.

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