The government is negotiating with the company appointed to maintain the Nation’s Road about reviewing the fees for local residents.
Top Channel has learned that they are talking about reducing fees with 50%, while the Minister of Finances accepted to start negotiations before the deadlines foreseen by the contract. The results are expected within two days.
“The agreement refers to the negotiations after the statistics are out. The Prime Minister has demanded this negotiation before the statistics are out, to include it as a social package of solidarity”, Ahmetaj said.
The opposition was not present at the commission of Minister Ahmetaj, while Erjon Brace, Chairman of the Commission of Economy asked easier measures for local residents who are affected by the fees.
“A specific category of citizens and residents should be excluded from that fee. Can you inform us if you are discussing this point with the concessionary?”, Brace said.
“The contracts are part of a very detailed procedure that goes through a series of filters. What you are concerned about are already on the negotiation table”, Minister Ahmetaj declared.
The negotiations with the concessionary include reducing the fee for vehicles that are used for citizens’ transportation.
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