Government, subventions for insurance

30/09/2013 00:00

Manufacturers who will employe more people from the disabled, Roma and
other communities will benefit social insurance subventions.

The Minister of Social Welfare, Erion Veliaj, visited a shoe factory in Tirana that has more than 1000 employees and that imports its products from abroad.

“For every quantity of new employees that businesses will hire in the next year we will offer subventions for the insurance by targeting the Roma and the disabled people. Everyone who supplies machineries for new production needs will benefit from the removed VAT and we will explore, due to the unique needs that this market has, the establishment of a professional school for fashion, since it is necessary that many of these costs are covered in Albania”, Veliaj declared.

Veliaj added that they will encourage professional education so that the working force can be more adequate for the market.

Businesses in the meanwhile are looking for more government encouragement in technology and other areas.

“Professional schools are the key of this business. We don’t have designers, developers, but only workers and for the rest we always depend from foreigners. We need to have initiatives for export, technology and create professionals”, declared Donika Mici, leader of the Doniana Shoe Factory.

Minister Veliaj promised that a design school will open next year for helping these businesses.

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