Government punishes invalids

30/12/2011 00:00

2011 is ending with a bad surprise for the Albanians who mostly need help, the invalids and disabled people.

In many Albanian cities, the government has not paid these categories that live only by the state budget help. The news was confirmed by the Associations of Labor Invalids.

Their President, Abdullah Omuri, says that in some cities like Durres and Puke, the invalids have not been paid by the state budget for more than two years; while in other districts have had their payments delayed for more than one month. Now with the winter holidays, the labor invalids and disabled people might not celebrate it, but keep living with the minimum level of revenues, which they use for getting cured or other expenses. The association says that the Ministry of Finances has told them that there are no necessary funds.

The declaration of the Invalid Association confirmed that even the Mayor of Durres, Vangjush  Dako, declared that the government has not transferred the budget funds. The Ministry of Finances says that they have allocated the fund in the beginning of the year, according to the budget plan. The payment delays for disabled people are a scandal almost inhuman, when the government is making other expenses that are not as urgent as the help to survive. A few days ago, the government declared that they will distribute 8 million USD of compensation for the former land owners, while the payments of the disabled persons have been delayed.

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