The Macedonian government has finally approved the draft-law for using
Albanian as an official language, a law much debated and strongly
demanded by Albanian parties in Macedonia.
The draft-law will pass for discussion in Parliament this September. It makes Albanian language and its alphabet an official language of Macedonia.
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Hazbi Lika, explained for Top Channel that Friday’s meeting had no debates regarding the draft-law.
“Because we had common ground before we even entered the government meeting. Let’s hope that Parliament Members from both majority and opposition support the draft-law”, Lika declared.
As for sending the law to the Venice Commission, Lika underlined that this will not bring any obstacle for the implementation of the law.
The law will be sent to Venice for two articles that found no consensus between parties. “There are two articles for which we didn’t find a unified stance. It is about the look of currencies and Defense Ministry uniforms”, Lika said.
The Deputy PM underlined that Albanians in Macedonia should be happy with this law that fulfils all obligations.
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