Government: New formula for the HCJ

09/07/2014 00:00

The government feels that the Parliament must intervene at the High
Council of Justice, one day after the Minister of Local Government,
Bledi Cuci, appealed the parliament to take under control the situation
at the HCJ, which is considered unacceptable.

“The Parliament must ask explanations from the members chosen by them, and certainly, we should review the entire system of how justice has been organized”, Cuci declared.

This Monday, the High Council of Justice rejected the request of the Minister of Justice, Nasip Naco, to suspend Judge Gjin Gjoni, accused of hiding assets and not declaring his wealth. The government says that this is the most flagrant case of how the justice leaders protect each-other, turning into untouchables. For this reason, the justice reform will also affect the way how the HCJ is composed.

“Most of the members come from the same system, and that’s why there are conflicts of interests. They avoid any disciplinary measure against each other. This HCJ is protecting itself and is trying to become untouchable. We need a new conception of how the justice system is composed”, Cuci declared.

For the Minister, who is also the national coordinator of anti-corruption, the Albanian President did not show to be impartial and above the parties, since he also voted against the proposition for discharging Gjin Gjoni.

“The least he should do in this case was abstaining, because he represents also the High Institution of Declaration and Audit of Assets. He chose to kick one of them and take the other under protection. This should not come from a President. The minimum he should do was abstaining”, Cuci declared.

Minister Cuci says that the debate will be long and all-inclusive, and the opposition will also be part of the reform that will be assisted by the new EU mission, Euralius, a reform that will end two dramatic statistics, one of which is 90% of the public thinking that the justice system is the most corrupted, and the other that comes from international reports.

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