Government grants 1.2 million EUR for compensating January 21st victims

18/01/2017 00:00

Three days before January 21st, the government has granted a 1.2 million
USD fund to the National Guard, to compensate the four victims that
were executed by them six years ago.

The Minister of Interior, Saimir Tahiri, says the obligation comes from a verdict issued by the Administrative Court of Tirana.

On January 21st, 2011, the National Guard of Albania killed four innocent and unarmed protesters of the Socialist Party, who were demonstrating in front of the Prime Minister’s Office.

The Socialist Party called their murder a state crime, accused the then Prime Minister Sali Berisha, and promised to bring justice.

But on the last January 21st before elections, this unkept promise had a cost of 300.000 USD for every murder.

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