Government approves 7 new concessions

24/07/2013 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, declared that the decision
taken today by the government is one of the most important ones for the
future of energy in our country. In this meeting the government approved
seven concessions for building hydropower plants in some deep
mountainous areas of our country.

These decisions were taken although Albania’s Prime Minister designate, Edi Rama, declared that he will undo every concession decision that has been taken after the June 23rd elections, if connected with corruptive actions.

Stating that his government is fulfilling its constitutional duties, the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, accused  the Socialist Party is holding this position because in the future they want to look for bribes.

“Every government is obliged to stand against any decision that is not based on a law, but a new government that promises to cancel concessions without any argument and without sending a file at court, shows that their only goal is to look for bribes. This is illegal and dishonest. If they make such threats, it means that hundreds of investors will be more reserved before inevsting money in this country. Every agreement that is transparent and complete can be signed by the Socialist Party or any other government, if it is based on the law. These premature attacks against the concessions are very dangerous, since this sector is a success story in our country”, Berisha declared.

On the other hand, Berisha refused to approve a decision presented by the Health Ministry, which affects the current health insurance system. Ebrisha declared that this government will not pass any law that interferes with the program of the next government, which has propoed a new concept for the health system.

“The Albanians have been promised to receive free health care. We cannot take other steps, because it seems as if we are persisting with our program, which guarantees free services for those who pay insurance, and even for those who are unable to pay. We are divided in two philosophies. I understand that there are some difficulties, but raising institutions that do not exist in the program of our political force is something that cannot be done. We will continue with the laws and decisions, all of which in full accordance with the program of this government”, Berisha declared.

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