Gjosha explains Integration Council

11/09/2014 00:00

For the Minister of European Integration, Klajda Gjosha, the National
Council of Integration takes a special significance after the opening of
the negotiations.

During an interview for Top Channel, Minister Gjosha says that they had other expectancies from the Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Commission of Integration, Majlinda Bregu.

“This council should be a model of cooperation between all actors. This will be the highest advising structure of the integration process, so that we can take solid steps. The purpose of this Council is to push our country forward with the major reforms that are necessary for an approach with the EU. This objective is in full accordance with the political consensus and the integration needs at the EU, with the public’s support for the EU accession and the policies of the Albanian government regarding the European Commission recommendations”, Gjosha declared.

While the opposition considered this draft unclear, Minister Klajda Gjosha explained who leads these councils in the other countries of the region. She said that this model is not copied, but adapted.

“The model proposed by the government is well thought and adapts to the moment in which our country is with the integration process. This shows political maturity and offers encouragement to raise the level of political dialogue between the majority and the opposition. All countries that built this council adapted it to their circumstances, their integration process and political phase. The model is not copied, but it has been adapted. If in Croatia the Council is led by the opposition, in Kosovo it is led by the President and in Serbia by the Prime Minister. There is no standard model to be followed”, she declared.

This is the comment of the Minister of Integration about the declaration of the Chairwoman of the Commission of European Integration, Mrs.Majlinda Bregu, who demanded that the Council should be led by the opposition.

“I have followed the declarations of the recent days about this Council. I would prefer an official answer by the Chairwoman of the Commission of the European Integration, after this Commission gathers and discusses the government draft with the other members. Because in the integration process it is not important who leads the Council, but the procedures that are followed for its creation and functionality. This institution is being created to serve to the Integration Process, and it is the only council that can not have any exclusions. This Council cannot be considered a government or a parliamentary structures, because when the negotiations will be opened, all actors should be part of the Council with all of their commitment, giving their best to this council. The fact that the government has offered a draft in both political sides are invited to lead the Council, is very important and should be greeted, because two ladies have been proposed to lead it, ladies who already lead Commissions that have a key role in the European integration”, the Minister of Integration says.

How will this Council be built or function if the opposition does not agree to become part of it?

“Certainly that the Council will be built. The opposition should be part of it, because that’s the only way to contribute for the European integration process. The opposition must be part of it, because that should be the priority of all political forces, uninfluenced by party interests. We want to establish a transparent institution that will serve to the country’s progress to the EU, that’s why we chose this level of representation”, Gjosha declared.

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