Giving roads in concession

08/07/2014 00:00

The road infrastructure problems have often turned into a cause of
accidents, and this has obliged the government to accelerate the
procedures for giving the road maintenance in concession.

“There are no signs and many roads are under construction. That’s why we requested an acceleration of the procedures”, declared the Deputy Minister of Urban Development, Brunilda Paskali.

The law amends for concessions, proposed by the government, consists in making exclusions from the usual procedures, which require more time for giving in concession national roads and roads that require a special attention.

The representative of the Ministry of Transports says that one of the first roads that is expected to be given in concession is the Milot-Kukes one, part of the Nation’s Road.

The first effort for giving in concession the maintenance of this road failed due to the lack of interest and the inability to make an accurate study of the feasibility and to calculate the maintenance cost.

“The existing law requires a detailed feasibility study. In these conditions we cannot make an accurate analyze to decide if it will be better for the government to do the work by itself, or to leave it to someone else and share the profit. If there is a profit, because, based on the calculations, there is no profit”, declared Eduard Seitaj, General Secretary at the Ministry of Transports.

The MPs requested a clear list of the roads that will be given in concession, and which ones will be considered as works of a special importance.

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